Friday Five: 4.20.18

Last night my church had a ladies night and I finally learned how to play Bunco. I feel like I have finally arrived and can now fully embrace my place as a suburban housewife now that I know how to play. I should probably learn bridge next, no? 

I tried to come up with a cohesive theme for this weekend's link round-up, but I could not. This is, perhaps, the most random five things I could have possibly thrown together! Fashion! Friends! Family! Death! Dance! (One of these is not like the other...). *Sigh* I'm random and multifaceted and you are, too, so enjoy these random links, friend: 

01 / It's sandal season! ABLE is one of my favorite companies, and they have a great selection of stylish, ethically manufactured sandals as well as so many other good things

02 / Coffee + Crumbs wants you to host a Mother's Day brunch. From our website: "We're giving you everything you need to host a brunch with your girlfriends. We know you don't need one more thing to plan, which is why we're taking care of the planning for you. Menu? Done. Place cards? Yep. Invitations? Got it. Playlist, conversation questions, printables for each place setting? Check, check, check. To be a host, all you have to do is fill out the form below and pledge to host a brunch on May 12th. You could invite as few or as many women as you like—friends, neighbors, sisters, maybe a mom you just met at the park who seemed a bit lonely? (Definitely invite her.)" 

03 / I FOUND A DESIGNER THAT I REALLY LIKE! I mentioned this a while back, but literally, the only designer I liked and followed was Emily Henderson, but as much as I appreciate her cool, California vibe, I live in a very traditional home in the south. Instagram led me to Lauren Liess. She grammed this gallery wall, and I have a wild hair that I need to do this in my own home, however, I want it to be photos of my family. I want to call it our heritage wall. I mean, how incredible would this photo of my great great great grandfather Cheif Wizi look hanging in my home?

04 / I've gone back and forth about writing this for years, but in middle school and in high school, I thought very seriously about being a funeral director as a backup plan to acting. No one seemed to like that idea, so I started off studying biology instead (before I dropped science as a major altogether). I could write a lot more on death doulas, home funeralsgreen burials, why Christians should consider not going the route of cremation, etc, but that feels a little off-brand for Indiana/Elsewhere. :) Nonetheless, this is an old read, but a good one: Our Bodies, Ourselves: A Funeral Director Wants to Bring Death Back Home

05 / My favorite thing on the Internet this week is this gal flawlessly doing Beyonce's choreography from Coachella

Indiana Adams
I like clothes, chicken wings, and sunshine.

Part 1: Things I Can Hardly Believe


Two truths and a lie