Friday Five: 4.6.18

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Tomorrow is our Nothing Saturday, which means it's the once / month Saturday in our household where we have literally nothing planned. No soccer games, no date nights, no birthday parties. Nothing! This doesn't mean we'll do nothing. It just means we have nothing on our calendar dictating our schedule. We let the day unfold how it unfolds. I typically like to pack my weekends out, but CMA feels opposite, and truth be told, I know I need Nothing Saturdays. Once / month seems about right.

Weekend links: 

01 / I was going to get these shortalls from Madewell ($118 regularly but 20% off this weekend with code FOLLOWURCART),  but then I stumbled upon these much more affordable shortalls from Target ($27.99), so I think I'll go that route first. You guys, I know. It's clear I have a problem

02 / This book changed my early marriage in that it cleared the air for CMA and I to talk more candidly about what we want and (silently!) expect from each other. I get to interview the author Shaunti Feldhahn for a future episode of Coffee + Crumbs, and I'm really looking forward to it.

03 / Super boring mom tidbit here, but I was growing incredibly frustrated by how much paper towel my family uses in a week (we're talking a roll every other day!).  Last week I switched us to white cloth napkins and terrycloth autobody towels for our dining and kitchen needs. So far, so good... but no, we will not be switching to family cloth any time ever. 

04 / This was such an interesting read about an older gentleman who (legally!) gamed the lottery and won $4.2 million dollars. 

05 / Trading Spaces is coming back! I loved that show as a kid and dreamed of having Genevieve Gorder re-do a space in my house. True story: I painted my girls' room the same color pink she did her daughter's room after seeing it in a magazine. I have read a billion design books trying to figure out my personal decorating style, and I'm telling you, the only designer that I can get behind 100% is Genevieve. I love absolutely everything she does. Read: 10 Revealing Facts About Trading Spaces via Mental Floss. 

Indiana Adams
I like clothes, chicken wings, and sunshine.

Double high fives for the end of the Spring 10x10!


Am Reading: Spring 2018