To-Do: May '18



C'mon summer. I've been waiting for you!

Three things I'd like to get done this month:

01 / Up my fitness: Try boot camp and stick to my Nike Run Club beginner's plan. 
02 / List some stuff on Poshmark. Right now the stuff I need to sell is in a big bin in my living room. 
03 / Clean out my vanity; throw away products I don't use. I have one "junk drawer" that I just need to clean out. 

Good habit (working on this daily):

Read the kids' library books to them and then return them back to the library on time!

Bad habit (the thing I want to stop doing):

Leaving clean towels in a heap in a basket and never folding them. I'd like to fold them and put them away right away this month (swim season starts next week so we will be washing a lot more towels!). 

My favorite things from April: 

My May playlist:  

Check-in. How did I do on my April to-do list?

01 / Clean out everyone's closets | OMG. I did this and they're a mess again.
02 / Perfect homemade gummy bears. | Failed. We haven't even attempted to make them. April was insanely busy for us. 
03 / Officially launch Book Club Confessionals (it's late!). | Failed again! Maybe this month?

Indiana Adams
I like clothes, chicken wings, and sunshine.

A life of little moments


On being a gracious gift receiver